Contact us through email or our social network page to get reply quicker to serve you better. You can contact us for any missing song lyrics or correction in any lyrics page which may be different misspelled word that may not be the right one for the song.  We are happy to assist you at any time through out all days in a year. Our song updating team and correction team will help you in correcting those misspelled words and missing words in a lyrics.


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  • We do not allow gambling, drugs or any adult related ads.
  • We do not allow ads which is not legit and scam money laundering sites.
  • The majority of our traffic are from INDIA, Sri-lanka, Singapore, Malaysia and other countries with low ratio of daily visitors, so if you are willing to advertise and target tamil niche, its a good spot to advertise.
  • Only flat rate ads will be allowed, NO any CPC or CPA based ads to be requested. If you are willing to advertise, choose the right spot and get the slot booked for 30 days time period.


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